Thursday, November 15, 2012

KYLIE MINOGUE, The Abbey Road Sessions

I was lucky enough to score a cd from one2one network of Kylie Minogue's soon to be released newest album. All her songs are wonderful on this album because of her beautiful voice. The songs on the album are reworked and while they do not have the same sound as her hits, I found the songs very soothing as they really show off her talented voice. There is also one song on the album, Slow, that shows what a seductive voice she has. The album also includes her biggest hit, Can't Get You Out Of My Head. Also, the duet, Where The Wild Roses Grow, has an Irish ballad sound to it which is enjoyable although I don't particularly care for the male voice in the song. All in all, this album would be a great addition to someone's library. It is not the type of album that you would listen to while running on the treadmill, it is more of the relaxing by a fire with a nice glass of wine album.