Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kraft coupon book

Sign up now for a Kraft coupon booklet, there are 2 $20 rebates in there 1 for fall, 1 for spring. You get $20 back if you buy 10 Nabisco cookies or crackers, 5 Capri-sun or Kool-aid jammers and 5 Easy Mac single cups.
Supplies are limited.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When you sign up for, you earn a percentage of your online purchase. The percentage depends on the store. All you do after you sign up is, log in, look for the store that you want to purchase from and click on it. Ebates automatically takes you to the store and you just order as usual. You then get a big, fat check every 3 months. I have earned about $200 by using ebates just for shopping on line! They also have lots of coupon codes that go along with the store you are shopping in.

Swagbucks is just like google, search and you could earn a buck! You can then redeem the bucks for gift cards or prizes!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Here is my hint for the day, check your Shop-rite receipt. If anything scans wrong, go to customer service, and you will get the item for free! Today, I saw a sign for Thomas 12 pack of english muffins for $1.99. They rung up as $4.99. I told them there was a sign that said they were $1.99, they checked it and I got them for free. I check my receipt every time and probably 7 out of 10 times, something rang up at the wrong price.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Here we go, I am going to try blogging. I have been saying I was going to do this for a while now, so here goes nothing! I am going to put a list of some of my favorite money saving sites. I hope that I can help people save a little money....every bit helps.